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 Onsite dust containment tent with ceiling HEPA filter dust extraction

Cost effective solution to controlling dust on
building and construction sites


Dust control on building and construction sites is a problem that has never been adequately solved until now. Harmful dust caused from cutting building materials such as MDF, stones and other products containing Crystalline silica, are often spread through worksites and are not adequately contained. The cost of getting materials cut off site is unrealistic and the time wasted for trades to catch service lifts to designated cutting rooms can drastically increase fit out costs. Dust spread through worksites often does not meet workplace health and safety guidelines for Crystalline silica exposure levels and puts the health of everyone on site at risk. The spread of dust throughout construction sites increases cleaning cost and labour with more time spent vacuuming and maintaining a clean worksite.

Dust containment tents to control dust on your building and construction site 

Clean Air Management has developed the first dust containment tent with ceiling air extraction. This portable on site cutting room used on internal building and construction sites, contains the spread of dust. Available in 3 sizes these tents can be configured in a multitude of ways to suit your site. Wall panels can be removed for wall penetrations and the filtration unit can be placed on either side of the tent to suit output requirements. Dust is extracted from the ceiling of the tent via our Big Blue air filtration unit. This 2 stage air filtration process includes the highest grade HEPA filter to assist in removing ultra fine particles such as crystalline silica from the air. Clean air is then reintroduced back to the worksite. This minimises the risk of dust exposure to the tradesperson cutting materials inside the cutting room but also drastically reduces exposure to tradespeople throughout the site. Clean Air Management will set up your dust containment tent and make regular inspections to ensure maximum airflow efficiency, replacing filters when needed. Let us get control of dust on your construction site and look after the health of your employees.


The CAM dust containment tent is portable allowing you to cut material at your work area, whilst containing dust to within the tent


Available in 3 sizes to suit each specific worksite


Can be configured in a multitude of ways to suit your job-site, outlet requirements and even allows for wall penetrations


Airborne dust inside the tent is quickly extracted via the ceiling and passed through our 2 stage HEPA filtration system


Dust exposure levels are greatly reduced to everyone on site improving health and reducing long term chronic health risks


Clean Air Management will set up and maintain your system making regular inspections and replacing filters when needed

Air Filtration unit with Hepa filter to filter crystalline silica and construction dust from worksites
1.5 x 1.5m dust containment tent, portable cutting room
3 X 3m dust containment tent, portable cutting room Onsite cutting room for internal construction sites
Dust containment tent. 3 x 4.5m onsite cutting room for internal construction sites
See our dust containment tents in action

See our dust containment tents in action

Dust contaiment tent. Onsite cutting room for construction sites to control dust and minimise crystalline silica



Clean Air Management has developed the first dust containment tent with ceiling air extraction to assist with isolating and filtering dusty works within internal building and construction sites.

construction dust filtration collector with hepa filter
Dust contaiment tents. Onsite cutting rooms for construction sites checking airflow dust collection




Construction dust from materials such as MDF, stones, concrete and other products containing crystalline silica particles are removed via overhead ceiling extraction. Dust then passes through our 2 stage HEPA air filtration system. The clean air is then reintroduced back into the worksite

Regular inspections, maintenance and data entry assist to control safer and cleaner air quality for all companies, employees, contractors and on-site visitors within worksites Australia wide.


What Our Clients say


"We manufacture medical equipment and have to maintain a clean and controlled environment throughout our factory. During our renovation and build of a medical equipment testing room, the CAM Tent was the only and best solution to contain the dust made from trades cutting dusty building materials. Clean Air Management ensured optimal system operation with regular inspections throughout our renovation. This also provided all trades a safer environment to cut dusty materials. Would highly recommend this product and service"

Stephen Watt - Director

"We have been searching for a product to control dust on our work sites for many years. Finally we have found a solution that actually works with our requirements when cutting dusty joinery material. Using the CAM Tent we can now do our part to control our dusty works from spreading and minimise dust generally on our projects. We are currently using the CAM Tent on a large commercial project and will be using the system on future projects. I would personally recommend this product to any builder"

Paul Van de Haar - Managing Director

About Us


Clean Air Management has developed Australia's first dust containment tent with ceiling air extraction. Let us contain, clean and control dust on your construction site

©2020 by Clean Air Management.

Dust contaiment tent air filtration unit with Hepa filter to control construction dust

Big Blue 2000 Air Filtration Unit with HEPA filter

1.5 x 1.5m dust containment tent, portable cutting room

1.5 X 1.5m Dust Containment Tent / Cutting Room

Dust contaiment tent. Portable onsite cutting room to control dust on construction sites

3 x 3m Dust Containment Tent / Cutting Room

Dust contaiment tent. Portable on-site cutting room to control dust on construction sites

3 x 4.5m Dust Containment Tent / Cutting Room

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1300 136 236

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